St. Stephen's Anglican Church

Welcome to St. Stephen’s

A place to go, a space to grow.

We’re a friendly little church family who still believes in the Bible as the Word of God. So if you’re looking to build your faith on a solid foundation – alongside some fellow flawed humans – you’re in the right place.

From learning more about Christ to connecting with kind people, to serving in the parish or community, there are many ways to become more involved in the St. Stephen’s family: youth programs, fellowship groups, Bible studies and more.

Meanwhile, tell us how to get in touch with you. We’d love to send you a small welcome gift.

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for upcoming activities and events.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you believe?

See our statement of belief

Why do we pray from the bulletin?

The prayers in the bulletin are from the Book of Common Prayer, are based on scripture, and have been used by Christians for centuries. We know we can rely on these prayers to be theologically sound, so during the service, we can focus on making the prayers real in our hearts. 

Why aren’t there kneelers?

This building is actually our parish hall; we plan to build a new sanctuary (with kneelers) soon. For now, we stand instead of kneel.

What’s the deal with the robes?

The clergy and lay ministers wear vestments during the service to symbolize our participation in Christ’s wedding feast and to foster a reverent, worshipful state of mind.

What’s the collection for?

Just before communion, we take an offering. Financial offerings support the church and its ministries; food offerings support North East Emergency Distribution (N.E.E.D.).

Can I participate in Communion?

All baptized Christians can join us for Communion. As long as your baptism was with water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the denomination doesn’t matter. ). If you haven’t been baptized, but would like a special blessing, join us at the altar rail and cross your hands over your chest.

Can I take the bread, but not the wine?

Absolutely. We use real wine in our Mass, and if you are uncomfortable receiving wine, you can cross your hands over your chest after receiving the bread. We do recommend that you stay at the altar until the person after you has received the wine.