“Liturgical” here means “relating to the worship service.” There are a variety of ways to serve God at St. Stephen’s during worship.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild works behind the scenes to prepare the altar for each Holy Eucharist. That means cleaning and maintaining all the linens, vestments, and vessels used in our services, making sure that what we offer to God is the very best we have.
Contact: Donna Baker – bakers1822 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) assist the rector in the services by reading scripture lessons, leading the intercessory prayers, and helping distribute Holy Communion. LEMs are also authorized by the bishop to officiate at public services like Morning and Evening Prayer.
Contact: Tom Bransford – tom [at] bransford [dot] biz
The reading aloud of the Bible is central to our worship. The men and women who serve as Lectors take seriously both the privilege and responsibility of reading the Holy Scriptures during worship so that the people of God may clearly hear the Word of God.
Contact: LEM & Lector: Tom Bransford – tom [at] bransford [dot] biz
Acolytes assist in the services by carrying the various items such as crosses and torches that make our worship more reverent, helping the rector prepare the Holy Communion, and collecting the offerings brought by the congregation.
Contact: Tom Bransford – tom [at] bransford [dot] biz
The choir leads the congregational singing. Accompanied by piano or organ – and occasionally a guitar or cello – this talented group draws our hearts and thoughts heavenward.
Contact: Rebecca Herd – rebecca [at] ststephenshurst [dot] com.
Contact: Scott Cassara – elmtchr [at] aol [dot] com